Where Can I Find Local Physical Therapy in Virginia?

Written by:

Jeffrey Grossman


January 30th, 2023

Exercise is medicine for older adults. Evidence shows a positive relationship between increased levels of physical activity and improved health in seniors. But it’s not always safe for aging adults to exercise without supervision.

Geriatric physical therapists create custom care plans for seniors based on their physical abilities and provide professional guidance and oversight. If you’re searching for “geriatric home physical therapy near me,” keep reading.In this blog, we explain how in-home physical therapy services can benefit seniors and where to find “in-house physical therapy near me” for those living in Virginia.

We offer in-home physical therapy in the Charlottesville and Richmond, VA areas.

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What Is Geriatric In-home Physical Rehabilitation?

With age comes a decrease in mobility – the ability to move freely – and seniors who lose their mobility are less likely to live independently. Those who have lost physical function may find it challenging, or nearly impossible, to perform activities of daily living (ADLs), such as eating, bathing, dressing, or using the bathroom, without aid. Considering most older adults desire to age in place, staying mobile is key. One of the primary ways seniors can stay mobile is through geriatric physical therapy. Typically, patients must drive to a physical therapy (PT) office to receive care. But when you find “home physical therapy near me,” a physical therapist comes to you. Local physical therapy professionals who travel to patients’ houses are particularly beneficial for older adults who can’t drive, don’t feel comfortable leaving home, or have trouble getting around.Before physical therapists begin their work, they will create personalized care plans that outline a patient’s goals and how they will reach those goals together. Some goals of in-home physical therapy services for seniors include:

  • Reduce the risk of falling

  • Recover from an injury

  • Build strength

  • Improve balance

  • Stay active

  • Prevent deconditioning

  • Elevate their quality of life

  • Perform ADLs without assistance

By achieving these goals, seniors can confidently live by themselves with little to no assistance. 

Benefits of In-home Physical Therapy Services

Finding in-home physical rehabilitation that comes to your loved one’s home may be a helpful middle ground for seniors that don’t want to leave home but need help. Here are a few benefits of in-home physical therapy for older adults:

  • Convenience. Getting to and from PT appointments can be challenging for seniors.One of the primary benefits of finding “home physical therapy near me” is convenience. A local physical therapy professional will travel to wherever older adults call home to provide in-home physical therapy services.

  • One-on-one Care. Physical therapists working in an outpatient clinic setting often provide care to multiple patients at once. This can lead to a hectic atmosphere and leave seniors without supervision sometimes. With in-home physical rehabilitation, older adults get the undivided attention of their physical therapist.

  • Simplicity. Walking into a physical therapy clinic can be overwhelming. There are exercise machines, equipment, and people everywhere. When performed at home, physical therapists simplify workouts by using everyday items. For instance, instead of using weights for bicep curls, seniors can use soup cans.

Now that you know what at-home physical therapy is and a few benefits of in-home physical therapy services for seniors, where can you find “home physical therapy near me?”

Private In-home Physical Therapy in Charlottesville, VA

At Commonwise Home Care (Commonwise), we provide in-home physical therapy in Charlottesville, Richmond, and Williamsburg, Virginia for aging adults.One of the main differences between Commonwise and traditional in-home physical therapy clinics is the relationship that forms between our therapists and clients. Because we work privately with older adults, therapy can continue indefinitely. As a result, seniors benefit from continued companionship with their therapist.Our therapists are licensed health professionals with graduate training in physical therapy who are dedicated to developing long-term partnerships with patients and their families.“My 84-year-old father began using Commonwise Home Therapy after his home health benefit expired following surgery. We wanted to make sure he didn’t regress and hoped he would continue regaining his strength. We’ve been delighted to see that his weekly therapy visit has made him stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally.”—Jody G.Contact our care team at Commonwise today to learn more about how we can help your elderly loved one safely live at home.

We offer in-home physical therapy in the Charlottesville and Richmond, VA areas.

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